Tuesday, November 18, 2008
hey there!
lots of love,
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
anyways i got to know his girlfriend,smitha.she's a really nice girl,a khubsurat punjabi girl with an infectious personality.we usually chat online but yesterday she called me up,to talk about keith.we sorted everything out between us and i think i've really become close to her despite the short time we got to know each other.she's someone you can really confide in,and someone who knows and understand you thoroughly.i was a little nervous when talking to her for the first time as i wasn't that sure on what to talk about but i eventually warmed up to her,and we spoke for about three and a half hours!shocking nah? haha.anyways we exceeded the limit talking to each other as we've been talking since ten in the morning till now,and it's nearly five hours since we talked.smitha's a close friend of ashraf,like,wow! it's like,he confides in her and vice-versa,they share this particular bond of friendship between them and all...wow yaar...so good nah? yup.somehow it's like,i just got a lot closer to her..and i tell her stuff that i dun't even confide in to anyone else.it's like,i'm just wondering,why did keith do this? i mean,it's okay with me,i'm just a mutual friend,there's nothing to worry about.but,the thing is,smitha loves him a lot and although i know he's sincere to her,i think he has to change a little.he should learn to be a little more serious in life,life isn't as carefree as it seems.like i always say,i want the best for both keith and smitha.no matter whatever happens,i am indeed sure i wouldn't want to lose my friendship with them.It's this priceless treasure that i seemed to have found consciously and i will clutch it close to my heart and never ever let it falter.i would wanna meet them,snap pictures with smitha and scrunch up keith's hair.like,scrunch...scrunch...and scrunch..haha!i can't wait to meet them :) hmm....nazim's like so late today,he's so dead,i'm telling you..seriously.that hibernating bear.
ouh,i had my history test today and it was kinda depressing,haha.but i could answer the questions and it was alright. now am talking to smitha...will update you again later....chaOs!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
saturdays=fherzana's off days.
thus,i'm blogging today.i woke up at exactly 9.32 a.m..Cos i had tuition at 10.30 a.m.Or so i thought.Nazim came at 1 p.m. today.haha,it's okay,he's a busy guy,haha.that's how your schedule gets if you're hot,haha.for most it may be an opinion,but for nazim it's a fact!yeah,so he was telling me that he plans to apply for another diploma that seems kinda interesting,then he's going to NS and all.Nice of him to regale me,it's as if he has nothing else to do during tuition.But i also tease him loads.So that makes us quits.For now.He thanked my mum for giving the cake to him and family.Too bad he spelled my mum's name wrongly.
Note to nazim: it's shariffa and not sharifah (gaga!)
Note to me:complete Revision Exercise 1 & 2 by Monday!
Anyways,my mum brought me and my sis to hougang point.mummy bought for balqis stickers and she bought for me this dress at This Fashion.It's so gorgeous!t's sort of a spaghetti strap dress,up to my knees,complete with a ribbon.It's black and white in colour.It's so cute!I also bought a pair of dangling earrings to accesorize the outfit,it's gonna be so bindaas man!haha.Then it was just a lazing around kind of day.Lolling around on the sofa watching a movie marathon.Also,family was getting ready for Eid (: .i was just lost in my own thoughts.Thinking of M.I.A.Are we okay with each other?Was it just an act before the old heave-ho?Was it cos of known feelings following in your wake?Or you just thought of being on the rebound?Yes,you spoke to my friend,but i didn't hear the conversation.I just feel in the wrong place at the wrong time when i see the website and just wonder if you're lying to me or just toying around with feelings.I guess i'll just have to wait and see.But i do know that i need to talk to you.This time,don't lie.Just tell the truth,truth may hurt,but you'll still have to tell me.Okay with you Keith?Please okay.I'm waiting for you to come back...
Friday, September 26, 2008
unreQuited lovE
25th september 2008-it's a date to remember *.*
i can't believe i was thinking along those lines a good half hour ago.But after that,i was like,what the hell was i thinking? i just hate it when people just mess around with other people's feelings.Sure,i know she's near you,so much more prettier,sweet seventeen and all.But why did you have to spin a web of lies to me,raising my hopes then just crushing them with a sweep of your hand? Just because you know i was,am and will forever be besotted with you.I know she's the one you want,but why don't you be honest? As much as it hurts,seeing you be with the one you love makes me happy simply because you're happy.But why? I really really think you're my M.I.A..i guess i'm just gonna have to wait till 9th of October to know..
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
just a note to you guys
ps:// my essay "Hope" was published on "First Blooms 3"!!
i'll upload it sometime soon yup! haha
take care!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
hey there people! sorry for not updating earlier yeah,been kinda busy with stuff.Today's post will be a combination of yesterday and today alrights! I had a Science Theory Test yesterday,a History Common Test and A Science Practical Test today.The theory test was alright 'cos i could answer majority of the questions.I even attempted to answer the chemical question on how to draw the atomic structure of carbon dioxide.It's actually easy but considering how much I suck at Chemistry,that was quite an achievement.Like,yay!History test was alright too,I could answer the questions with ease,and it gave me a good feeling.But Science Practical Test..I did everything correctly but I didn't prove that I did the experiment.That mean I could have passed but judging by the sigh Miss Er gave me,it seems like she has no choice but to fail me.Aargh.I'm so frustrated.English was as usual,scolding for the first ten minutes,take out a foolscape paper,copy down the question and do it.What else would you expect?Tsk tsk.Maths was FUN!! Yesterday we got back our homework books and I got full marks.I was kinda psyched,my homework was kind of improvingday by day..what surprised me was that i got good vibes from Mr Chen.He wrote,"I'm impressed!!Keep it up!!Special sticker for you!!".The sticker was indeed special as it was a kind of a big Kungfu Panda sticker.I got two candies from Mr Chen.You can see the picture up there right?Again,like,yay!I was sooo happy.Practically over the moon!Yesterday,on the way back,I suddenly got frustrated for no apparent reason and left Shamini and Ariessa in cold dust while walking to the bus-stop.Both were dumbfounded by the sudden change of behaviour but were kind enough to leave me alone.My frustration mounted even higher when I called my mum and she replied in a very irritated voice.Gee,imagine that.Today Maths was also FUN!We had to be in groups of four and the groups had to compete with the other groups to obtain points to get a large reward!We had to solve sums on mean,median,mode and probability.I was pretty good at that,and so was Ariessa.We solved it within the time limit of six minutes and obtained pretty good points.Hope we win!Hong Wee,who's also in our group,didn't do much except to write "Fherzana Rox" on my foolscape.Typical of him.Today I had bladder problems and my stomach was growling incessantly at the bus-stop.I went home,studied and slept,cos i stayed up the whole night two days ago doing Miss Dee's sixteen pages of D&T.Nobody woke me up,and my alarm clock was malfunctioning,so I woke up at 6.58 p.m.I broke my record,haha.Then I remember that I was fasting and made my way sleepily to the kitchen to get my towel and bathe.I saw Abah doing cookies for Hari Raya and I just greeted him.Smiling,I told him that Bibik was nearly crying when she couldn't find Jaanu(my cat),only to find Jaanu wedged between Abah's keyboards under his bed at the master bedroom.I expected him to laugh or tease Bibik.But he berated me for not closing his room door.I was appalled.What?How could he assume that it was me?I was barely out of my room after I reached home.Anyways,I wasn't the only one at home.The overwhelming frustration I felt started enveloping me and I snarled"How could you be so sure that it's me?I'm not the only one at home.Whatever i say nowadays are always sarcastic or rude.What else is new?".He started saying,"You can talk like that to anyone,but not me.".I sneered at him,broke my fast with a gulp of Blueberry drink,and proceeded to the toilet.That was when the floodgates opened and I sobbed to my heart's content.Exams.etiqutte,datelines,what more can I deal with?I went to Hougang Point and got some stuff done.I callled my mum up and just burst out my words,sobbing again.Lately everyone's been saying i'm rude.My dad,grandmum and aunty.My dad does it almost everything,so nothing is weird.My grandmum cares for me,I'll just assume that for now.But my aunty has no rights to say that.If she has the guts,say it to my face.In fact,I think it's better if she takes care of her son who's getting out of hand rather than ratting on me.Well,my mum's back and I guess I'll stop here.I'll be back soon,I promise!
fheRz [:
Monday, September 15, 2008
ho hum,here we go again!
ps:thanks to mesra for the quote "here we go again". haha
signing off for now,
Sunday, September 14, 2008
hey there
such as:
amirah-11th september
farhan-11th spetember
ps: what's up with the two of them?
daniel-13th september
nadirah-30th september
then there's october. my favourite month. especially on 17th october. i've been promised an I-pod Nano on the day the notebook gurl emerges fourteen. great isn't it? yup. now it seems everyone,like subsequently everyone has a boyfriend or girlfriend. but not me. let's get this straight:
fherzana doesn't need anyone in her life for now.
oops,it's time for me to go.
take care..
fherz :D
Saturday, July 5, 2008
what the HELL is their problem?
fherz!!!!! *pissed off*
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
fherz :(
Sunday, June 22, 2008
woohoo we got a cat!

wow! guess what? we've gotten a persian kitten! ooh! look at it! isn't it gorgeous? it's a darling! it's very very playful. it loves to nibble at our toes,bite us playfully,play catching,hide-and-seek,and whatever not! my parents actually spent about 800 bucks on it. wak loy named it "Fiona" as,well,it's a cat's name and one of his cats had that name last time. but somehow,i don't know,the name seemed to be pretty common...so i actually thought up with some names..and these are my family's reactions:
1) Afreen-"Eurgh!It doesn't sound nice!"
3)Ishfaq-"It sounds masculine!" [actually it IS a female name!!-i protested..]
5)Mysha-"Hmm..it sounds nice..but doesn't on of our distant relatives have that name?Better not!
6)Naaz-"It's too short."
10)Rameesha_"Too long!"
11)Saaya-"No..not appropriate."
12)Shehzaadi-"Yeah!That's the one!Shehzaadi..just like a princess...Hmm...maybe not...too princessy!I don't want it to turn out into a spoilt feline!"
13)Zahara-"Common name."
15)Zeenat-"Eee!No way!"
16)Zulekha-"No no no!"
Man,how fussy could they be? I was just wondering across theses lines in my head when my mum quipped,"Why don't we call it Jaanu?". For two seconds there was silence,but then..
"Yes,that seems nice!",my dad said.
"Hmm..pretty intriguing.",Wak Loy admitted.
"Yeah! I love it!",my sister Balqis squealed.
"Wow! That's an awesome,superb,fantabulous name!", I pipe enthusiatically.
Looking at our smiling faces,Mummy's face,which was skeptical about her suggestion,lit up almost immediately and she leaned back with a smile of pleased satisfaction.We were all for it! So,KA-BOOM! There is Jaanu! You may be wondering,why the name Jaanu? We could have given a better name,couldn't we? Names such as "Sarafinah" (my father liked that)..but you see, I personally think that more cats,especially persian cats,are given majestic names. But we wanted a quirky,yet cute name to address our furry darling. Anyways, just to tell you, Jaanu is a term of endearment that people use,mostly in Hindi or Urdu. My family and I are into the world of Bollywood and we love the art of Hindi,which makes us stand out. So,thus the name Jaanu. Calling our little furry darling Jaanu gives me the impression that she's (it's a female,confirmed) very dear to us,just like our life.So yeah! If anybody were to ask me who my darling is, I would say "Jaanu!".
After that,our family actually had a photo session with Jaanu,as you can see.We're all into him,including Mummy! She wasn't that into cats before because weeks before her marriage to Abah (my dad), a pregnant stray cat actually gave birth to a litter of kittens in her cupboard! And my mum is a pristine,clean person. Imagine her shock when she saw that bloody mess! Haha. So you saw the effect cats have on people? Like Jaanu,she actually won my mum over with her big,doleful eyes,a bright shade of interesting brown never ever seen before,and her playful ways,and her inquisitive nature,doubled with curiosity. Now I realise that cats are curious. Understatement of the year. I mean,heard of the saying "What happens to the curious cat?". Yeah,now I have realised how true that is! Hmm...I'm planning to keep a persian cat and a norwegian forest cat when I'm a successful journalist. A Norwegian Forest Cat is almost the same as a Persian Cat,but it is larger ( possibly weighing up to about 10 kg ) and they have personalities that of a forest cat. Brilliant right? Yeah...I can't wait! But now,I gotta focus on Jaanu! I will update you guys on Jaanu's latest curious endeavours!
Till then,take care and see you real soon!
fherzana loves jaanu! :)